Being a 22 years old in the town that I am in, I am considered old. Take my own apartment for example, I am the oldest one, and am four years older than one of my roommates. It is weird being the oldest out of everyone. It takes a toll on you. I feel like I have to be the most responsible and reserved because of my age. And lets be real in the normal world, outside of the Rexburg bubble, 22 is still young.
Anyway lately I haven't been going out and doing things because I feel too old, everyone at the parties are so much younger than me. It just feels weird. I have learned though, that avoiding things because of the fear of being the oldest one, leads to a really boring life. I would find myself just sitting at home on the weekends doing homework. This is not how I want to be spending my last few semesters at school. Yes I do want to do well in my classes but I also want to have fun.
I am here to tell you that it is okay to not act your age every once in a while. There was a big dance party that was being held at an empty warehouse here in town a few weekends ago, a party which I was very reluctant and pretty much refused to even think about going to. I had heard that they normally end up being pretty sketchy. These were the types of parties I would never miss my first few semesters here at school, but once again, the thoughts of you're too old kept coming up.
This particular party was a paint fight, which meant you go dressed in all white, and be prepared to be doused in paint while dancing the night away. All I could think about was how the DJ would probably play music I didn't know and people would be dancing all sorts of nasty ways. But I had some friends that really wanted to go. They convinced me to go with them, because the alternate would be sitting at home doing homework like usual.
I reluctantly put together an outfit and headed to the party with my two friends trying to make the best of the situation. We walked in to a dark warehouse with the bass of the music bumpin'! Immediately I was like a freshman again. I lost all sense of care and let loose. I was ready to party! The night ended up being so fun, and luckily we were able to avoid all the sketchiness that comes along with any dance party. It ended up being a really great night.
I had an epiphany that night. I need to not care about what every one else thinks. Just because I am "older" doesn't mean I still can't have fun. Now this is not the type of fun I would want to have every weekend, but it helped me realize a lot. You should never feel constricted because of what society has constructed as acceptable or not. Again, it is okay to not act your age all the time! Let yourself have fun. If you are in a similar situation to myself, all I can say is do what makes you happy. There can be a great balance in your life between fun and responsibility. You just have to be willing to make the effort to find that balance. Growing up doesn't have to be miserable, it can be the most exciting time of your life.
"Do What Makes You Oh-So Happy"